Saturday, January 14, 2012


I figured I should post while everything is still fresh in my mind. Yesterday morning, Sam, Sharie and I went to the Pere-Lachaise Cemetary and visited the graves of Oscar Wilde, Chopin (a pianist), Collette, and Jim Morrison. This was by far the craziest cemetery I have ever been too. Shrines were stacked on top of each other and there were no straight and even rows like you see in America, but just a mess of old and new all tangled upon the other. Seeing Jim Morrison's grave was very somber.  There were gates posted around his grave in order to prevent tourists from vandalizing or obstructing his grave. It seems as though he always had and always will have fans trying to reach him. His grave was covered in gorgeous flowers and pictures in memorium.
Later that night we went up the Eiffel Tower. The line was so long; I can only imagine how long it must be during the summer. We had tickets that allowed us to "cut the line" so to speak and only had to wait about 20 minutes. (Thank you CEA!) The first floor of the tower has an ice skating rink on it for tourists and Parisians to skate on and enjoy the view of the beautiful city, but my group continued on to the second floor. The view was absolutely breathtaking-and not just because of how cold it was ;) We got to see the sun set over the Seine, which we had a great view of, and we got to pinpoint all the distant landmarks and monuments. A few of us decided to go to the third level because it was open and we wanted the ability to say we did it. It took a minute and forty seconds according to the chart, and once we reached the top it was dark outside. Paris truly is a "City of Light" and it was beautiful to see everything glowing in the darkness.
After our descent back to the 2nd level, I got my first glass of mulled wine, which actually turned out to be quite good!
Jim Morrison's Grave

My lunch! A good book, cheap wine, and a great sandwich :)

I loved the way the sun hit the metal on the bottom of the tower.

View of the Seine River at sunset, so gorgeous!

View from the VERY top of the tower.

A pigeon with no toes in the tower, so cute I had to feed him and take a picture!

Today we went to Versailles which was unbelievable. But! because I am exhausted, I will post about it tomorrow and also post pictures from the past few days.

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